KOIN TV news director Lynn Heider has confirmed that TV anchor Jeff Gianola has the corporate blessing of KOIN news management to host a fundraiser and publicly support the development of the surplus city property known as the John Ball School site by the Portland Hope Meadows corporation, OPPOSE Due Process in the disposition of the publicly owned John Ball School property and COMPLETELY DISREGARD the Portsmouth Residents Action Committee, the North Portland Business Association and the Portsmouth Neighborhood Association as well as the residents and businesses of North Portland.

The disposition of this surplus city property is directly connected to a controversial and highly volatile public housing policy, an important public story that KOIN has FAILED to cover. Jeff Gianola and the entire KOIN TV news organization are now on the record as being in support of the discredited and abhorrent public policy of UNLIMITED neighborhood concentration of public housing.

News Organizations Are Supposed To Investigate and Report the News NOT BE The News And Advocate For Controversial Public Policies By NOT Reporting The Story.

Our community wants and needs more owner occupied market rate housing NOT more government subsidized low-income rentals. We strenuously object to being forced without Due Process to an increase above the already high amount, 55%, of rental property in Portsmouth, a neighborhood with the highest total and the second highest percentage of public housing clients of any neighborhood in Oregon. 

Shame on Jeff Gianola and KOIN TV. You are a disgrace to your profession.

Richard Ellmyer